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Guide to Accessible Documents

Creating accessible documents requires the author to establish the important structural elements that are important for users of assistive technology and others. The creation workflow varies based on the software you are using, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Adobe InDesign (Adobe resource).

Document Headings

Unlike sighted users who can identify headings by scanning for large or bold text, non-sighted users using screen readers miss these visual cues. Incorporating section heading styles into your documents establishes a crucial semantic structure accessible to screen readers. Avoid relying solely on text size or emphasis (such as bold, underline, or italic) to identify a heading.

Organize headings according to their hierarchy within the document. Designate the primary title or document description as Heading 1, ensuring there is only one Heading 1 element in the document. Subsequent sub-headings of equal importance should be categorized as Heading 2, akin to the main chapters. Headings at level 3 should branch from a Heading 2 element, and any subsequent sub-headings should maintain this pattern (Heading 4, and so on). Avoid skipping a heading level, such as transitioning directly from Heading 1 to Heading 3.

Alternative Text (Alt text) on images

Users who are blind or have low vision access information from images through text-based descriptions known as alternative text or alt-text. It is crucial to include alt-text for all images conveying important information. The alt-text should be concise (up to 150 characters), describing the image's content and function. While there are diverse perspectives on effective alt-text, a helpful approach is to envision describing the image to someone over the phone.

Descriptive Hyperlinks

When display text consists of fully-formed hyperlinks, users relying on screen readers or text-to-speech software may experience confusion, as the hyperlink is read out character by character. A better option is to use natural language as display text instead of the full hyperlink. For example, instead of using the hyperlink https://dsu.edu/admissions, use more descriptive display text like, Dakota State Undergraduate Admissions page. Both hyperlinks will take the reader to the same webpage, but the more descriptive link provides better context for all users.

If you expect users to print the document, including both the full hyperlink text and the descriptive link text may be appropriate.

Avoid generic link display text

Users of screen readers have the ability to navigate through all links within a document for content identification. To prevent confusion, refrain from employing generic link display text like "click here" or "more info." If multiple links share identical display text, users cannot distinguish between them.


Use tables for presenting information rather than using them as a tool for controlling the layout and alignment in your document. Utilize column and/or row headers to establish a clear table structure, ensuring that screen reader users can access the table information accurately.


Utilize the built-in icons or tools to generate numbered or bulleted lists in your documents. This method ensures the creation of accessible lists. Avoid using the tab key to create indented rows with dashes or numbers, as it may produce the visual appearance of a list but won't maintain accessibility.

Multiple Columns

Avoid relying on the tab key or spacebar to simulate columns in a document, as this can disrupt the reading order for screen reader users. Instead, utilize the built-in icons or tools specifically designed for creating accessible columns. This ensures a seamless experience for all users, including those relying on screen readers.

Color Contrast

To support people with low vision or color blindness, pay attention to the contrast ratio between text and the document background. Aim for a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1.

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum): The visual presentation of text and images of text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, except for the following: (Level AA)

  • Large Text: Large-scale text and images of large-scale text have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1;

  • Incidental: Text or images of text that are part of an inactive user interface component, that are pure decoration, that are not visible to anyone, or that are part of a picture that contains significant other visual content, have no contrast requirement.

  • Logotypes: Text that is part of a logo or brand name has no minimum contrast requirement.

The WCAG Contrast Checker is a free utility for checking the contrast ratios of text and other elements in your Word documents.

Color as Context

Never rely exclusively on color to provide information, make a comparison, or illicit a response. Blind or color-blind users will likely not be able to use this information. Although color can be used in your documents you should also use text-based methods to convey information, instead of relying solely on color.

Using the Accessibility Checker

To identify accessibility barriers in your documents, use the built-in accessibility checking tool within your software.