DSU recognizes 62 long-time employees
March 9, 2023
Dakota State University has recognized 62 employees for their dedication and commitment to the university at the annual Longevity Reception on March 1.
These 62 individuals represent 834 years of service to the State of South Dakota and DSU; if that number were averaged out it would be over 13 years per employee. This is quite a milestone, given that the national average stay for an employee is currently four years or less in the same job.
Because of the dedication of these employees, President José-Marie Griffiths said, “this virtue makes DSU a nurturing environment, a place that is transforming the lives of people here and in our community and our region every day.”
Deb Roach, DSU’s Interim Director of Human Resources, said these people were “the gifted, talented, dedicated individuals who make Dakota State University what it is.”
Roach thanked everyone for their engagement, commitment, and the unique gifts they bring, which ensure that DSU students receive a quality higher education.
The employees recognized include:
Joseph Bottum, Associate Professor
5 Years -
Megan Bousquet, Administrative Assistant I
Micah Brandsrud, Registration & Transfer Assistant
Edward Dennis, Assistant Professor
Carrie Graves-Warden, Professional Academic Advisor
Rex Groos, Building Maintenance Supervisor
Pete Hoesing, Associate Vice President for Research & Economic Development
Britney Jencks, Admissions and Financial Aid Functional/Technical Specialist
Dylan Johnson, Information Systems Security Officer/Site Security Officer
Sharon Johnson, Print Shop Assistant
Madison Kaplan, Sports Information Specialist
Pamela Lewis, Administrative Assistant I
David Link, Program Director
Teresa Maier, Sponsored Programs Analyst
Brett McKeown, System Administration Manager
Marie Millage, Support Desk Administrator
Jordan Oberg, Research Engineer II
Sarah Olson, Course Materials Specialist
Anna Opsahl, Research Engineer II
Sue Peterson, Facility Worker
Robert Richardson, Instructor
Debra Roach, Vice President for Human Resources
Wendy Simmermon, Instructor
Nicole Steele, Clinical Supervisor of Pre-Service Teachers
Nicolas Steilen, Assistant Director of Residence Life
Stephen Vassalotti, Head Strength & Conditioning Coach
Richard Wicklein, Assistant Professor
- Harold Winker, Building Maintenance Specialist

- Patti Brooks, Assistant Professor/Director of CAHIT
- Alicia Entringer, Human Resources Manager
- Kati Larsen, Professional Academic Advisor
- Jun Liu, Associate Professor/ Coordinator for Master of Science in Analytics Program
- Laura Reed, Financial Aid and Scholarship Advisor
- Cody Welu, Assistant Professor
- Joel Wohnoutka, Executive Director of Applied Research Lab
- Tory Bickett, Admissions Operations Specialist
15 Years - Addie Borah, Academic Advisor
- Nicole Bowen, Director of the Counseling Center
- Jill Corbin, Scholarship Coordinator
- Lori Engebretson, Retention Specialist
- Mary Francis, Director of the Karl Mundt Library
- Anne Hauglid, Administrative Assistant I
- Jill Ruhd, Director of Development
- Linda Williams, Facilities Services Supervisor I
- Vickie Bird, Facility worker
20 Years - Mandy Hendrix, Director of Student Engagement and Leadership
- Kurt Kemper, Professor and General Beadle Honors Program Director
- Michael Roach, Assistant Professor
- Brent Van Aartsen, Chief Technology Officer
- Denise Grayson, Director of Financial Aid
- Kathryn Callies, Registrar
30 Years - Amy Crissinger, Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
- Dian Doblar, Parking Attendant/Groundskeeper
- Amy Dockendorf, Controller
- Gabe Mydland, Associate Professor
- Shelly Nelson, Graphic Designer
- Scott Allbee, Systems Integration Engineer
35 Years - Dorine Bennett, Dean, College of Business & Information Systems
- Roxie Draper, Facility Worker
- Kathy Engbrecht, Instructor/Retention Specialist
- Gary Garner, Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Coach Garner - Retiring