Student Life
Make the most of every moment
We're a small school with big heart. Our campus is a warm, welcoming place that strengthens and enhances your educational experience. You get all the benefits of a close-knit school with the amenities of a world-class university.
DSU students work hard, but we have just as much fun. Our community of 3,000 plus students is active in athletics, academic teams, research, and clubs and organizations. From ultimate frisbee to anime, intramural sports to volunteer opportunities, there's a way to find your people.
FYRE (First Year Residence Experience)
Our signature program for first-year students is designed to help you transition to college life.
Academic teams
Apply your tech skills as part of a regionally and nationally competitive team challenged with programming, cyber defense, and more.
Living, learning, growing
We take a holistic approach to student life at DSU. The First-Year Experience (FYRE) program helps you transition to college. On-campus housing provides a supportive, safe, and comfortable home base. Our Counseling Center is your go-to for help with academic, mental health, and substance use counseling. We have dedicated staff to assist veterans, international students, and students with disabilities. There's even a new program, STRONG, tasked with supporting students who have Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Wellness is a priority at DSU. We offer a number of fresh, healthy, and convenient dining options. If you want to get in some exercise, you can take a dip in the pool or shoot hoops with your membership to the on-campus Madison Community Center. Under the weather? Visit the Student Health Office nurse to treat minor illness or injury (rest assured, urgent or emergency care is nearby at Madison Regional Health).
Delta Mu Delta’s Charles Fazzi Award honors student’s potential
Garret Leiseth won a national Delta Mu Delta scholarship. The Charles Fazzi Award is a $1,000 scholarship that recognizes students with a generosity of spirit, creativity, and resources who are outstanding business students.
Competitions and passions drive Vongkasemsiri
Whether she’s on the volleyball court, participating in an international cybersecurity competition, or running the club she created, Gwen Vongkasemsiri loves competitions. A senior cyber operations and network & security administration double major, Vongkasemsiri chose to attend DSU after analyzing a list of schools across the U.S. that have excellent cybersecurity programs.
’DAYTRIP‘ selected for multiple festivals
Dakota State senior Beau Headrick’s 2D animation “DAYTRIP” was selected for several film festivals, one of them international. Follow Fuzz on his journey to climb Mount Magoo all by himself, as he realizes along the way that maybe the summit is not the goal, but the company he keeps while on the journey.