Tate Carson

Tate Carson
Assistant Professor
College of Arts & Sciences
Ph.D., Experimental Music and Digital Media - Louisiana State University
M.F.A., Electronic Music and Recording Media - Mills College
M.M., Jazz Studies - University of New Orleans
B.M., Music Industry Studies/Jazz Bass Concentration - Loyola University New Orleans
Office Location: Tunheim Classroom Building
Phone: (605) 256-5270
Carson's teaching interests include:
- New interfaces for musical expression
- Human-computer interaction
- Mobile music
- Web Audio
Carson's research interests mirror his teaching interests.
- New interfaces for musical expression
- Human-computer interaction
- Mobile music
- Web audio
- 2nd place in Musicworks' 2016 Electronic Music Composition Contest for Before, I wandered as a diversion
- Carson, T. (2020). “On Ecocomposition.” Journal of Digital Media & Interaction 3, no. 5. Pp.133-142.
- Carson, T. (2021). “immaterial.cloud: Using peer-to-peer technologies for music.” In Proceedings of the Web Audio Conference. Barcelona, Spain.
- Marasco, A., Carson, T., Bardin, M. (2020). “Designing Collaborative and Mediated Experiences with Networked Circuit-Bent Devices.” In Preceedings of the Sound, Image, and Interaction Design Symposium. Online.
- Carson, T. (2019). “Sounds Aware: A Mobile App for Raising Awareness of Environmental Sound.” In Proceedings of the Web Audio Conference. Trondheim, Norway.
- Carson, T. (2019). “Mesh Garden: A Creative-Based Musical Game for Participatory Musical Performance.” In Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Carson, T. (2019). “Systems Thinking and Environmental Interaction in the Work of Tomás Saraceno and David Dunn.” In Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference. New York, New York.
- Carson, T. (2018). “A More Perfect Union: Composition with Audience-Controlled Smartphone Speaker Array and Evolutionary Computer Music.” Web Audio Conference. Berlin, Germany.
- Carson, T. (2018). “Philosophical Underpinnings of Environmental Music.” In Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference. Daegu, Korea.
- “Mesh Garden: A creative-based musical game for participatory musical performance,” New Interfaces for Music Expression, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Porto Alegre, Brazil. June 5, 2019.
- “A more perfect union: Composition with audience-controlled smartphone speaker array and evolutionary computer music,” Web Audio Conference, Technical University of Berlin; Berlin, Germany. September 19, 2018.
- “A more perfect union: Composition with audience-controlled smartphone speaker array and evolutionary computer music,” Web Audio Conference, Technical University of Berlin; Berlin, Germany. December 4-6, 2019.
- “Utilizing NexusHUB and Docker for Distributed Performance,” Web Audio Conference, Technical
University of Berlin; Berlin, Germany, September 21, 2018.
- “NexusHUB Distributed Performance Workshop.” Co-presenter, New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Virginia Tech, June 3-6, 2018.