Kristel Bakker

Kristel Bakker
College of Arts & Sciences
Ph.D. Biological Sciences, South Dakota State University, 2000
M.S., South Dakota State University
Teaching Certificate, Dakota State University
B.S., South Dakota State University
Office Location: Ruth Habeger Science Center
Phone: (605) 256-5194
Biology Survey I
Environmental Biology
Conservation Biology
Animal Behavior
Vertebrate Zoology
Cells and Tissues
Grassland Bird Ecology and Habitat Management
Avian Ecology
Wildlife Management
2021 DeJong, J.R., K.F. Higgins, K.K. Bakker, and K.C. Jensen. A summation of egg size metrics representing 34 wild North American duck species from eggs collected during 1859-2010. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 100:67-79.
2020 K. K. Bakker. South Dakota Species of Habitat Fragmentation Concern: Grassland Birds. Report developed for: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, South Dakota Ecological Services Field Office, Pierre, SD, 38 pp.
2020 J.K. Krakow, K.K. Bakker, K. Kelsey, R. Lonsinger and K.C. Jensen. Grassland Bird Use of High and Low Diversity Prairie Plantings in Eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Bird Notes 71(3): 45. Abstract only.
2019 Thiele, J.P. and K.K. Bakker. The effect of landscape attributes on Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) occupancy of black-tailed prairie dog colonies in western South Dakota. Journal of Raptor Research 53(4): 367-376.
2019 K.K. Bakker. Grassland Bird Research 1998-2018: What have we learned? South Dakota Bird Notes 71(2): 28. Abstract only.
2019 Krakow, J.K., K.K. Bakker, K.W. Kelsey, K.C. Jensen and R.C. Lonsinger. Grassland bird use of high and low diversity native prairie plantings. South Dakota Bird Notes 71(2): 24. Abstract only.
2016 Greer, M.J., K.K. Bakker, and C.D. Dieter. Grassland bird response to recent loss and degradation of native prairie in central and western South Dakota. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 128(2):278-289.
2015 Baker, N.J., C.D. Dieter, and K.K. Bakker. Reproductive success of colonial tree-nesting waterbirds in prairie pothole wetlands and rivers throughout northeastern South Dakota. American Midland Naturalist 174:132-149.
2013 Thiele, J.P., K.K. Bakker, and C.D. Dieter. Multiscale nest site selection by Burrowing Owls in western South Dakota. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125(4): 763-774.
2012 Grovenburg, T. W., S. Kempema, J. A. Jenks, J. D. Stafford, T. Kirschenmann, R. W. Klaver, J. Thiele, and K. Bakker. Crucial habitat assessment tool – burrowing owls in the Dakotas. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, USA. 24 pp.
2012 Grovenburg, T. W., S. Kempema, J. A. Jenks, J. D. Stafford, T. Kirschenmann, R. W. Klaver, J. Thiele, and K. Bakker. Crucial habitat assessment tool – burrowing owls in South Dakota. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, USA. 24 pp.
2010 Higgins, K.F., K.C. Jensen, and K.K. Bakker. Suggestions for a new approach for use in assessing indicated breeding pair populations of ducks during spring in North America. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 89:139-149.
2009 Bakker, K.K. and K.F. Higgins. Planted cover types and native prairie: Equivalent habitat for grassland birds? Western North American Naturalist 69(2):235-242.
2009 Ribic, C.A, R.R. Koford, J.R. Herkert, D.H. Johnson, N.D. Niemuth, D.E. Naugle, K.K. Bakker, D.A. Sample, and R.B. Renfrew. Area sensitivity in North American grassland birds: patterns and processes. Auk 126(2):233-244.
2008 May, S.M., K.F. Higgins, D.E. Naugle, K.K. Bakker and K.C. Jensen. Landscape Characteristics Affecting Habitat Use and Productivity of Ducks on Stockponds in Western South Dakota. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 87: 63-84.
2006 Kelsey, K.W., D.E. Naugle, K.F. Higgins and K.K. Bakker. Planting trees in prairie landscapes: do the ecological costs outweigh the benefits? Natural Areas Journal 26:254-260.
2006 K.K. Bakker, S.L. Eggebo, K.F. Higgins, and D.E. Naugle. Grassland bird use of CRP fields that differ by age-class and cover type. Proceedings of the 19th North American Prairie Conference: 70-75.
2006 DeJong, J.R., D.E. Naugle, K.K. Bakker, F.R. Quamen and K.F. Higgins. Impacts of agricultural tillage on grassland birds in western South Dakota. Proceedings of the 19th North American Prairie Conference:76-80.
2006 Salo, E.D., K.F. Higgins, W.T. Barker, K.K. Bakker, and K.C. Jensen. Temporal effects of grazing regimes on non-game birds in North Dakota grasslands. Proceedings of the 19th North American Prairie Conference: 216-224.
2006 Salo, E.D., K.F. Higgins, B.D. Patton, K.K. Bakker, W.T. Barker, B. Kreft, and P.E. Nyren. Grazing intensity effects on vegetation, livestock and non-game birds in North Dakota mixed-grass prairie. Proceedings of the 19th North American Prairie Conference: 205-215.
2005 Bakker, K.K. South Dakota All Bird Conservation Plan. Wildlife Division Report 2005-09, South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Pierre, SD.
2005 Bakker, K.K. and K.F. Higgins. Effects of plant species diversity in multifunctional grasslands on avian communities. XX International Grassland Congress: Offered Papers, p. 607.
2004 Higgins, K.F., R.G. Osborn, D.E. Naugle, and K.K. Bakker. Contrasting the potential effects of biomass fuel, soy-based fuel, ethanol and wind energy developments on northern Great Plains wildlife. Transactions of the 69th North American Wildlife Conference: 199-214.
2003 Bakker, K.K. and K.F. Higgins. Avian use of natural versus planted woodlands in Eastern South Dakota, U.S.A. Natural Areas Journal 23:121-128.
2003 Bakker, K.K., J.R. Dejong, and K.F. Higgins. Distribution of grassland birds in South Dakota. South Dakota Bird Notes 55:28-37, Corrected Maps 55:57-59.
2003 Bakker, K.K. A compilation and synthesis of avian research completed in South Dakota. Report to South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Wildlife Division Report No.2003-09, 72pp.
2003 Bakker, K.K. A synthesis of the effect of woody vegetation on grassland nesting birds. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 82: 119-141.
2002 Bakker, K.K., D.E. Naugle and K.F. Higgins. Incorporating landscape attributes into models for migratory grassland bird conservation. Conservation Biology 16: 1638-1646.
2002 Bakker, K.K. The effect of woody vegetation on grassland nesting birds: an annotated bibliography. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Habitat and Population Evaluation Team completion report, Fergus Falls, MN.
2000 Naugle, D.E., K.F. Higgins, and K.K. Bakker. Effects of upland management practices on birds in the northern Great Plains region of the U.S. and southern Canada: a synthesis and review. Wildlife Technical Report No. 1, U. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. 28 pp.
2000 Bakker, K.K. Avian occurrence in woodlands and grasslands on public areas throughout eastern South Dakota. Ph.D. dissertation, SDSU, Brookings, SD.
1999 Naugle, D.E., K.F. Higgins and K.K. Bakker. Habitat area requirements of wetland birds in western South Dakota. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 78:129-138.
1998 Bakker, K.K. and K.F. Higgins. Are South Dakota’s native prairie birds in jeopardy? South Dakota Conservation Digest 65(2):16-18.