Stacey Berry

Stacey Berry
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences
Ph.D., English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007
M.A., English, Northern Illinois University, 2002
B.A., English, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1996
Stacey Berry is the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and has been a Professor of English at Dakota State University since 2010. Her research combines literary analysis with digital humanities methods.
Office Location: Kennedy Center
Phone: (605) 256-5270
Berry's digital humanities project focuses on the Hiawatha Insane Asylum, a federal facility for Native Americans located in Canton, South Dakota, between 1898 and 1934. The project team is working to digitize and make public thousands of government documents related to the facility. The project provides research experience to Berry's students in classes, such as Digital Collection and Curation, and job experience to students receiving Federal Work Study through the Research Assistant and Mentor Program (RAMP) administrated through Undergraduate Research.
- 2014 Alexander “Sandy” Davidson Award for Excellence in Advising, Dakota State University.
- 2014 Faculty Research Initiative Award. Dakota State University.
- 2011 Faculty Research Initiative Award. Dakota State University
- 2010 Arts and Sciences Faculty Research Initiative Award, Dakota State University.
- 2003 Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students. The Teaching Council and the UNL Parents Association, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
2023-2025 WICHE Academy for Leaders in the Humanities (WAL) Grant.
2020 Office of Digital Humanities, Grant Review Panel, National Endowment for the Humanities, April 2020.
- 2019 DSU START Grant in support of an NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grant application to further work on Honoring the Dead: A Digital Archive of the Insane Indian Asylum project, with John Nelson, Vaughan Hennen, and Ryan Burdge, June 2019.
- 2018-19 “Social Media Engagement: Motivations for female college students to follow Women in Tech,” with Pam Rowland. Innovation Mini-Grant, Dakota State University.
- 2017-18 Change Network: South Dakota, Bush Foundation Fellowship.
- 2017-18 “Honoring the Dead: A Digital Archive of the Insane Indian Asylum,” South Dakota Humanities Council Research Grant.
- 2016-17 “Honoring the Dead: A Digital Archive of the Insane Indian Asylum,” Innovation Mini-Grant, Dakota State University
- 2011-12 Campus Action Project Grant, American Association of University Women.
- 2011 South Dakota Humanities Council Discussion Scholar, One Book South Dakota, South Dakota Center for the Book.
Book Chapters
- The Individual and the Collective: Threatening Blackness in Wideman’s Philadelphia Fire." Critical Essays on John Edgar Wideman. Eds. Bonnie TuSmith and Keith Byerman. Knoxville: U of Tennessee P., pp. 161-73.
Online Publications
- (2017-) Honoring the Dead: A Digital Archive of the Insane Indian Asylum, editor, with Ryan Burdge. Dakota State University. (
- (2014-) The Museum of Fictional Literary Artifacts, editor, with John Nelson. Dakota State University. (
- (2011-14) The Homesteader Project, editor, Dakota State University
- (2011-12) Stop Hurt. Start Here., editor, with Kelly MacLeod. Dakota State University.
- (2009-10) Ralph Blakelock, contributing editor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (
- (2008-10) Civil War Washington, project manager, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (
- (2003-10) The Walt Whitman Archive, assistant editor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (
- (2005) “Icons of Liberty,” contributing editor, Nineteenth-Century Studies: Resources, University of Nebraska- Lincoln. (
Refereed Journal Articles
- “The Queer Death Binary of Giovanni’s Room Remodeled as Space for Navigating Oppression." Whatever. A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies: Vol. 4, 2021.
- “Honoring the Dead: A Digital Archive of the Insane Indian Asylum.” The Design for Diversity Teaching and Learning Toolkit: Case Studies. Boston: Northeastern University, August 2018.
- "Beyond the Margins: The Novel of Protest and Production." [sic] - A Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation. Zadar: University of Zadar, April 2011.
- Patterns for College Writing, Brief 2nd Edition, by Laurie Kirszner and Stephen Mandell. Bedford/St. Martin's, New York: March 2019.
- “What's at Stake: Is it a Vampire or a Virus?” International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities. Pacific University, Oregon: March 2019.
Invited Presentations
- “Telling Stories Through Digital Humanities” with John Nelson. South Dakota State Historical Society History Conference, Pierre, SD: May 2019.
Papers Presented
- “Honoring the Dead: A Digital Repository of Documents Related to the Canton Asylum for Insane Indians, 1903-1934,” with John Nelson. HASTAC, Orlando, FL: November 2017.
- “The Museum of Fictional Literary Artifacts,” with John Nelson. Utah Symposium on the Digital Humanities 2 (DHU2): Conduits and Hubs, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT: February 2017.
- “Innovation in Museum Making: The Museum of Fictional Literary Artifacts,” with John Nelson. HASTAC, Tempe, AZ: May 2016.
- “Collecting Objects from Fictional Worlds: The Museum of Fictional Literary Artifacts,” with John Nelson. Popular Culture Association National Conference, New Orleans, LA: April 2015
- “Connecting and Destroying: Searching for Sex in the Works of John Edgar Wideman,” Roundtable: Sexuality in Works by John Edgar Wideman, Sponsored by the John Edgar Wideman Society, American Literature Association, Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA: May 2013.
- “Visualizing the New Media Dance Floor: English on the Horizon at DSU,” with John S. Nelson and Shreelina Ghosh. HASTAC, The Storm of Progress: New Horizons, New Narratives, New Codes, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: April 2013.
- “Text Analysis.” THATCamp Iowa City, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA: March 2012.
- “New Media.” THATCamp Iowa City, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA: March 2012.
- “English and New Media.” Great Plains Alliance for Computers and Writing, Dakota State University, Madison, SD: October 2011.
- “Sophie Workshop” with John Nelson. Great Plains Alliance for Computers and Writing, Dakota State University, Madison, SD: October 2011.
- “How to Not Teach Plagiarism.” South Dakota Council of Teachers of English, Chamberlain, SD: February 2011.
- “Civil War Washington: Studies in Transformation.” E-Criticism: New Methods and Modalities, Modern Language Association Convention, San Francisco, CA: December 2008.
- “Spaces of Insecurity and Faulty HTML Coding.” Featured Reading, Midwestern Conference on Film, Language, and Literature, DeKalb, IL: March 2003.
- “The Dialogue of Interchange: Duality of Meaning in the Man of Law’s Introduction and Prologue.” 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI: May 2002.
- “The Punctuation of Comic Books: Paneling Suspense in Unbreakable.” Midwest Popular Culture Association. Milwaukee, WI: October 2002
Campus and Departmental Talks
- “Honoring the Dead: Digitizing Documents Related to the Canton Asylum for Insane Indians, 1903-1934 from the South Dakota State Archives - South Dakota State Historical Society,” with John Nelson. Karl Mundt Library, Dakota State University, Madison, SD: April 2016.
- “The Consolations of Violence: Or How Literature Can Save Your Life.” Research Day, Dakota State University, Madison, SD: April 2014.
- “Customizing Courses in D2L.” Motivating and Engaging Students in Face-to-Face and Online Classes, Faculty Development Session, Dakota State University, Madison, SD: April 2011.