Quentin Covert
Quentin Covert
Assistant Professor
The Beacom College of Computer & Cyber Sciences
Ph.D. Cyber Defense, Dakota State University (Doctoral Candidate)
M.S., Computer Science, Dakota State University, 2019
B.S., Computer Science, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, 2018
As an assistant professor for The Beacom College of Computer and Cyber Sciences, Professor Covert is responsible for the design, implementation, and delivery of a number of courses in programs offered by Beacom, which are offered in degrees such as Cyber Defense, Cyber Operations, and Computer Science at both a graduate and undergraduate level. He has worked as an adjunct professor and graduate assistant for Dakota State University for the past five years.
Beyond the academic world, Professor Covert has been a consultant for the design and implementation of privacy-based data mapping procedures at international organizations and the development of software development tools for security and privacy risk management and third-party organization.
Office Location: East Hall 325
Phone: (605) 256-5838
Specialty topics of data privacy and information security management
Data Privacy Ontology