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Majors & Degrees

Peng Guo

Peng Guo

Peng Guo

Assistant Professor


College of Arts & Sciences


Ph.D., Theoretical Nuclear and Computational Physics - Indiana University-Bloomington, 2009


Dr. Peng Guo is an Assistant Professor in the College of Arts and Sciences. He teaches undergraduate physics courses in classical, modern, and computational. He also instructs astronomy, quantum mechanics, and electricity and magnetism courses. In addition to teaching, Guo supervises student research and has led student outreach programs including the Summer CSUM Research Experience Vitalizing Science University Program for high school students interested in STEM careers. 

Dr. Guo’s research areas are in computational hadron and nuclear physics for the purposes of understanding the substructure and dynamics of subatomic particles. His current research focuses on modeling and simulation of hadron properties, developing theoretical and phenomenological tools for physics and data analysis, and exploring high-performance computing technologies such as quantum computers, machine learning, and multi-core computer clusters. Before joining the DSU team, he served as a full-time lecturer at California State University-Bakersfield, Calif.  

He earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Nuclear and Computational Physics through Indiana University, Bloomington. Dr. Guo has been invited to present nationally and internationally in seminars held in Munich, Germany; Bonn, Germany; Tento, Italy; Beijing China; Washington, D.C., and the Thomas Jefferson Lab, Virginia.  


Office Location: Ruth Habeger Science Center
Phone: (605) 256-5194

  • Modeling and simulation of hadron properties 

  • Physics and data analysis 

  • High performance computing 

Outstanding Graduate student in research, Physics Department Awards, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2008

Europhysics Letters 143 (2023) 66001 (invited perspective review) “Tunneling time and Faraday/Kerr effects in PT symmetric systems”, V.Gasparian, P.Guo, Antonio Perez-Garrido, Esther Jodar 

Physical Review D 108 (2023) 074504 “Toward Extracting scattering phase shift from integrated correlation function” 

Physical Review A 107 (2023) 053504 “Polar magneto-optic Kerr and Faraday effects in PT symmetric systems”, Antonio Perez-Garrido, P.Guo, V.Gasparian, Esther Jodar 

Physical Review A 107 (2023) 032210 “Tunneling time in PT symmetric systems”, P.Guo, V.Gasparian, Esther Jodar, Christopher Wisehart 

Physics Letter A 453 (2022) 128473 “Anomalous Faraday effect in a PT symmetric dielectric slab”, V.Gasparian, P.Guo, Esther Jodar 

Physical Review Research 4 (2022) 023083 “Friedel formula and Krein’s theorem in complex scattering theory”, P.Guo and V.Gasparian 

Physical Review D 103 (2021) 064611 “Coulomb corrections to two-particle interactions in artificial traps”, P.Guo 

Physical Review D 103 (2021) 064611 “Charged particles interaction in both a finite volume and a uniform magnetic field”, P.Guo and V.Gasparian 

Physical Review D 102 (2020) 054514 “Modeling few-body resonances in finite volume”, P.Guo 

Physical Review D 101 (2020) 094510 “Multi-pion+ systems in a finite volume”, P.Guo and B.Long 

Physical Review D 101 (2020) 052512 “Threshold expansion formula of N bosons in a finite volume from a variational approach”, P.Guo 

Physical Review D 101 (2020) 034501 “A lattice model of heavy-light three-body system”, P.Guo and M.Doering 

Physics Letter A 383 (2019) 3005 “Transmission coefficient of interacting few-body system in one dimensional space” P.Guo, and V.Gasparian 

Physical Review D 99 (2019) 014501 “Multiple-particle interaction in 1+1 dimensional lattice model” P.Guo and T.Morris 

Physical Review D 98 (2018) 094502 “Variational approach to N-body interactions in finite volume” P.Guo, M.Doering, and A.P.Szczepaniak 

Physics Letter B 774,441 (2017) “An solvable three-body model in finite volume” P.Guo and V.Gasparian 

Physical Review D 95,054508 (2016) “One spatial dimensional finite volume three-body interaction for a short-range potential” P.Guo 

“Particle interactions in artificial traps”, Invited speaker at Bethe Forum workshop “Multihadron Dynamics in a box-A.D.2022”, Bonn Univ., Germany 

“Variational approach to Multi-particles interaction on lattice”, Invited speaker at Bethe Forum workshop “Multihadron Dynamics in a box”, Bonn Univ., Germany 

“Multiple particles interaction on lattice”, Invited seminar talk at Thomas Jefferson Lab, VA 

“Hadron Physics in heavy quarkonium decays”, The international workshop on hadron structure and spectroscopy at TUM, Munich, Germany 

“Three-body final state interaction and its applications”, The international workshop on PWA for hadron spectroscopy at GWU, Ashburn, VA 

“Three-body final state interaction and its applications”, Invited seminar at George Washington University, Washington, D.C. 

“Three-body final state interaction and its applications”, CLAS12 Collaboration Meeting, JLab, VA 

“Khuri-Treiman approach for eta->3pi” Hadron spectroscopy Collaboration Meeting at ECT*, Trento, Italy 

“Coupled channel scattering in lattice QCD” Invited seminar at Peking University, Beijing, China 

“Coupled channel scattering in lattice QCD” Invited seminar at Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China 

“Inelastic effect in J/Psi->3pi+KKpi decay and some related topics” Workshop on amplitude analysis in hadron spectroscopy at ECT*, Trento, Italy 

“Rescattering effect in J/Psi->3 pion decay channels”, WA INT-JLab workshop on hadron spectroscopy, Seattle 

“Rescattering effect in J/Psi->3 pion decay channels”, The 5th international conference on quark and nuclear physics, Beijing, China