Dakota State University students walking around campus

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That's the DSU equation. We're a four-year university with nationally recognized programs, cutting-edge facilities, and the brightest thinkers. But we're also a tight-knit, inclusive community. Small class sizes mean hands-on training and individualized attention. All this with an affordable, public school price that's among the best values in the region.

Majors & Degrees

Jun Liu

Jun Liu

Jun Liu

Professor / Coordinator for MS in Analytics


College of Business & Information Systems


Ph.D., University of Arizona
M.S., University of Arizona
B.A., Nanjing University


Dr. Jun Liu is a Professor of Information Systems at Dakota State University in Madison, SD.   He received a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona.  His research is in the areas of Machine Learning, Large Scale Network Analysis, Big Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence.  His work uses different methods such as statistical modeling, conceptual modeling, machine learning and text mining.


Office Location: East Hall
Phone: (605) 256-5165