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Majors & Degrees

Insu Park

Insu Park

Insu Park

Associate Professor


College of Business & Information Systems


Ph.D., Management - State University of New York, Buffalo, New York
M.S., Marketing - Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
B.A., Business Administration - Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea


Insu Park is an associate professor in Business & Information Systems. His research interests include E-commerce, Healthcare & Social Media Analytics, Information Privacy, and Behavioral Issues in IS. His research has been published in several leading journals, including MIS Quarterly, Decision Science, Decision Support Systems, Information and Management, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, and IEEE Transaction on System, Man and Cybernetics etc. He has numerous conference proceedings and presentations in leading conferences, such as the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the Academy of Management (AOM).


Office Location: East Hall
Phone: (605) 256-5165

Park's Teaching Interests include:

  • Networking/Data Telecommunication
  • Quantitative Analysis/Research Methods
  • Marketing Analytics/ Business Analytics
  • Marketing Research
  • Management Information Systems

Park's Research Interests include:

  • Information Privacy/Security
  • Electronic Commerce and Consumer Behaviors
  • Text Analytics/Content Analysis
  • IT Impact on Individual/Organization
  • Research Methods

  • Joseph A. Alutto Fellowship, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2007-2010

  • South Dakota Board of Regents Competitive Research grant (CRGP), 2016-2017
  • Research Grant Award, Dakota State University, 2014-2016
  • The Systems Testing Excellence Program (STEP) Research Grant, University of Memphis, 2012
  • Doctoral Program Recruitment and Enhancement Fund, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2006

Selected Research Publication

  1. Cho, J., and Park, I. 2024. "The Impact of Information Privacy Concerns on Information Systems Use Behaviors in Non-Volitional Surveillance Contexts: A Moderated Mediation Approach," Information Systems Frontiers. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-024-10549-z

  2. Park, I. and Cho, J., (2021), Is Effective Information Systems Use Vital for Job Satisfaction at Virtual Work? A Mediation Effect of Effective Information Systems Use on the Relationship Between Information Systems Support for Creativity and Job Satisfaction, Information Systems Frontiers: DOI: 10.1007/s10796-021-10208-7
  3. Park, I., and Vel, V., and Jun Liu, (2021), Th Role of Enterprise Crowdsourcing Systems on Knowledge Application, Journal of Computer Information Systems, page 1-11, DOI: 10.1080/08874417.2020.1865852.
  4. Bui, S., Kettinger, W., & Park, I. (2021), Identity Sharing and Adaptive Personalization Influencing Online Repurchases. Accepted at Journal of Computer Information Systems, page 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/08874417.2021.1919939.
  5. Park, I. and Sarnikar, S., Cho, J., (2020) Disentangling the effects of efficacy-facilitating informational support on health resilience in online health communities based on phrase-level text analysis. Information & Management, 57(8), pp.
  6. Park, I., Sharman, R., and Rao, H. R. (2015), Disaster Experience and Hospital Information Systems (HIS), MIS Quarterly, 39(2), pp. 317-344.
  7. Park, I., Cho, J., and Rao, H. R. (2015), The Dynamics of Pre- and Post-Purchase Service on Dissonance and Consumer Evaluation of Online Retailers, Decision Science. 46(6), pp. 1109–1140.
  8. Park, I., Cho, J., and Rao, H.R. (2012). The Impact of Pre- and Post-Service Encounter Evaluation on Consumer Satisfaction in On-Line Environments: A Disconfirmation Perspective. Decision Support Systems. 52(2), pp. 415-426.
  9. Cho, J., Park, I., and J. W. Michel. (2011). How Does Leadership Affect Information Systems Success? A Transformational Leadership Approach, Information & Management. (48:7), pp. 249-312.
  10. Park, I., Bhatnagar, A., and Rao, H. R. (2010). Assurance Seals, Online Customer Satisfaction, and Repurchase Intention, International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC). 14(3), pp. 11–34.
  11. Park, I., Sharman, R., Rao, H. R., and Upadhyaya, S. (2010). On the Two Factors Affecting Information Systems Success in Extreme Event Context, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). 52, pp. 181—185. Springer, Heidelberg.
  12. Park, I., Sharman, R., Rao, H. R., and Upadhyaya, S. (2007). Short Term and Total Life Impact Analysis of Worms in Computer Systems. Decision Support Systems. 43(3), pp. 827-841.
  13. Park, I., Sharman, R., Rao, H. R., and Upadhyaya, S. (2007). The Effect of Spam and Privacy Concerns on E-mail Users’ Behavior. Journal of Information System Security (JISSec), 3 (1). Pp. 39-62.
  14. Chai, S. Herath, T. C., Park, I., and Rao, H. R. (Alphabetical order) (2006). Repeated Use of E-Gov Web Sites: A Satisfaction and Confidentiality Perspective. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 2(3), pp.1-22.
  15. Park, I., Lee, J. Upadhyaya, S., and Rao, H. R. (2006). Emerging Issues for Secure Knowledge Management: Results of Delphi Study. IEEE Transaction on System, Man and Cybernetics, 36(3), pp. 421-428.

Book Chapters

  1. Chai, S., Herath, T. C., Park, I., and Rao, H. R. "Repeated Use of E-Gov Web Sites: A Satisfaction and Confidentiality Perspective" in Information Security and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Hamid Nemati (Editor), Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), ISBN-13: 978-1-59904-933-5 (hardcover), 2008.
  2. In Electronic Government: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications edited by Dr. Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko. ISBN 978-1-59904-947-2 (hardcopy), Information Science Reference, Hershey, New York.
  3. Singh, P., Singh, P., Park, I., Lee, J., and Rao, H. R. Information Assurance in the context of Information Sharing: A study of information attributes and their relative significance during catastrophic events. Book chapter in Cyber-Security and Global Information Assurance, IGI Global, 2009.

  1. Piyush Vyas, Ofori Martinson, Basyal, Ganga Prasad, and Insu Park, Studying the Relationship Between Timely and Effective Care, Preventive Care, and Patient Hospital Recommendation, AMCIS 2023, Panama City, Panama, August 10-12, 2023

  2. Arnold Nzailu and Park, I., Cultural Influence and the Effective Use of Security Awareness in Congolese Organizations, HICSS 53, Grand Wailea, Maui, January 8-11. 2020.
  3. Vetrivadivel Vel & Park, I., How ECS Improve Creative Use of Employees’ Knowledge? AMCIS 2018, New Orleans, LA, August 16-18, 2018.
  4. Dheyaaldin Alsalman & Park, I., The Determinant of Selfless Misuse Intention and the Role of System Resilience under the Context of Disasters, AMCIS 2018, New Orleans, LA, August 16-18, 2018.
  5. Vel, V., Park, I., & Liu, J., The Effect of Enterprise Crowdsourcing Systems on Employees’ Innovative Behavior and Job Performance, HICSS 51, Big Island, Hawaii, January 3-6. 2018.
  6. Park, I., Cho, J., & Rao, H. R., Employee Privacy Concerns, Procedural Justice, and IS Satisfaction under non-Volitional Surveillance: A Comparative Study between Korea and the United States, The Pre-ICIS workshop “Culture in IS: Conducting Innovative Publication”, Seoul, South Korea, 9. 2017.
  7. Alsalman, D. & Park, I., Should I Misuse HIS for The Greater Good? The Determinant of Misuse HIS Intention and the Role of Systems Resilience under the Context of Disasters. 23rd AMCIS 2017, Boston, MA., August 10 - 12, 2017.
  8. Zahid B. Zamir & Park, I., The Impact of Knowledge Capture and Knowledge Sharing on Intention to Stay. 23rd AMCIS 2017, Boston, MA., August 10 - 12, 2017.
  9. Abdel-Rahman, Mohammad & Park, I., Health Social Network Websites: Design Features and Users’ Participation). 23rd AMCIS 2017, Boston, MA., August 10 - 12, 2017.
  10. Matofam, T., Liu, J., & Park, I., A Neuropsychological Approach for Investigating Behavioral Beliefs Using Facial Expression Emoticons. 23rd AMCIS 2017, Boston, MA., August 10 - 12, 2017.
  11. Dheyaaldin Alsalman & Park, I., The Effect of Using WLANs on Data Breaches: The Examination of the Moderating Role of Meaningful-Use Attestation, 22nd AMCIS 2016, San Diego, CA., August 11 - 13, 2016.
  12. Al-Ramahi, M., Park, I., & Liu, J., Users Acceptance of Health Behavioral Change Support Systems: An Empirical Investigation, 22nd AMCIS 2016, San Diego, CA., August 11 - 13, 2016.
  13. Park, I., Al-Ramahi, M., and Cho, J. (2015), The Effect of Perceived IS Support for Creativity on Job Satisfaction: The Role of effective IS use in virtual workplace, The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dallas, TX, Dec. 13-15.
  14. Al-Ramahi, M. and Park, I. (2015), The Influence of Peers Social Structure in Healthcare Social Networking Websites, 21st AMCIS, Puerto Rico, Aug. 13-15.
  15. Cho, J. and Park, I., (2013), Shared Leadership in Virtual Teams: Boundary Conditions for Team Identification and Cohesiveness. Western Academy of Management (WAOM), Santa Fe, NM.
  16. Park, I., Sharman, R., and Rao, H. R. (2012), The Role of Resilience in Information Systems in Hospitals, Pre-ICIS, the Workshop on E-business, Orlando, FL., Dec. 15.
  17. Cho, J., Park, I., and Lee, T. E. (2012), Leadership in Software Testing Teams. The Sixth International Research Workshop on Advances and Innovations in Software Testing. Memphis, Tennessee, July 24-25.
  18. Park, I., Lee, T. E., and Dhaliwal, J. (2012), Visualization and Simulation Tools for Software Development: Implications for Software Testing. The Sixth International Research Workshop on Advances and Innovations in Software Testing. Memphis, Tennessee, July 24-25.
  19. Bui, S., Park, I., and Kettinger, W.J. (2012), The Mediating Role of Adaptive Personalization in Online Shopping. 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems. Seattle, Washington, August 9-11.
  20. Cho, J., and Park, I. (2011), A Multi-Level Study of Charismatic Leadership, Identification, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Multifocal Approach. The Academy of Management (AOM), San Antonio, Texas. August 12-16.
  21. Park, I., Cho, J., and Rao, H. R. (2010), An Investigation of a Satisfaction Formation Process in Online Shopping: An Alternative Approach. WeB 2010 SIGeBIZ –9th Workshop on e-Business, Pre-ICIS workshop, St. Louis, Missouri, December 11.
  22. Park, I. (2009), The Study on the Relationship between Privacy Concerns and Information Systems Effectiveness. The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Phoenix, Arizona, December 15-18.
  23. Park, I., Sharman, R., Rao, H. R., and Upadhyaya, S. (2009), The Effect of Perceived Risk on Hospital Information Systems. WeB 2009 SIGeBIZ – Workshop on e-Business, Pre-ICIS workshop, Phoenix, Arizona, December 15.
  24. Park, I., Sharman, R., Rao, H. R., and Upadhyaya, S. (2008), The Mediating Effect of Information Assurance on Information Infrastructure Performance, Workshop on Secure Knowledge Management (SKM 2008), Richardson, TX., USA, November 3-4.
  25. Park, I., Sharman, R., Rao, H. R., and Upadhyaya, S. (2008), Risk and Resilience in the Face of Natural Disasters: A Study of Hospital Information Systems. (Research in Progress), 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Toronto, Canada.
  26. Cho, J. and Park, I. (2007), Transformational Leadership and Information Systems Effectiveness. The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Montréal, Québec, Canada, December 12-15.
  27. I Park, R Sharman, HR Rao, S Upadhyaya, The Impact of Interdependent Risk on Health Care Information Infrastructure Effectiveness, 2nd Annual Symposium on Information Assurance, 2007, Buffalo, NY. June 6.
  28. Park, I., Kasturi, R., Sharman, R., Rao, H. R., Upadhyaya, S., and Velu, D. (2007), Critical Risk Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Public Health Information Systems Infrastructure. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, November 4-7.
  29. Park, I., Bhatnagar, A., and Rao, H. R. (2007), The Effect of Third Party Seals on Consumers’