Mark Spanier

Mark Spanier
Associate Professor / Coordinator for MS in Artificial Intelligence
The Beacom College of Computer & Cyber Sciences
Ph.D., Mathematics - North Dakota State University, 2015
B.S., Mathematics - North Dakota State University, 2010
Dr. Mark Spanier is an Associate Professor in The Beacom College of Computer & Cyber Sciences. He teaches a wide range of courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the areas of discrete mathematics, cryptography, machine learning, and AI. He also serves as coordinator of the MS in Artificial Intelligence.
Additionally, Spanier serves as co-director of DSU’s Artificial Intelligence Lab and director/faculty advisor for the AI Sweden Industrial Immersion Exchange Program.
Outside of teaching and research, Spanier advises and assists with DSU’s Gaming Club, Competitive Programming Club, and Artificial Intelligence Club.
Office Location: East Hall
Phone: (605) 256-5838
- Discrete Math, Cryptography, Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence, Foundations of Computation
- Blend inquiry-based approaches with technology.
- Broadly speaking, I am fascinated by all things related to minimization, optimization, and approximation. My area of research investigates these problems with applications to cryptography, artificial intelligence/machine learning, number theory, and signal processing.
- Co-Director of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab.
- Faculty Co-Advisor of AI Sweden + DSU Industrial Emersion Exchange Program
- PI -- Educational Pathway Institution (EPI) $125,000