Deb Tech

Deb Tech
Associate Professor / Undergraduate Coordinator for Business
College of Business & Information Systems
Ph.D., E-Commerce - Northcentral University, 2008
M.B.A., International Business - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1992
B.A., Mathematics and Spanish - Concordia Teachers College, 1985
Dr. Tech is an associate professor of marketing and the internship coordinator for the College of Business & Information Systems and The Beacom College of Computer & Cyber Sciences.
She's been with DSU since 1999 and focuses her teaching philosophy on providing all of her students with the life-long tools to succeed in the ever-changing world of business technology. She prepares students to do this through the use and evaluation of new technology and software, hands-on applications, and open dialogue in the classroom.
Office Location: East Hall
Phone: (605) 256-5165
Tech's teaching interests include:
- Marketing
- Marketing Strategy
- Promotional Management
- Merchandising
- Business, Information Systems, and Computer Science Internships
- Spanish I and II
- Organizational Management
- Marketing Technology
- Personal Selling and Sales Management
- Consumer Behavior
- Recipient of the Dr. Ernest Teagarden Award for Excellence in Teaching (2013)
- Recipient of the DeWayne Mork Award for Excellence in Service (2019).
- Brooks, P. Nord and D. Tech (2022). HRSA Public Health Workforce Grant, Avera Rural Health Institute.
- Tech (2012, May). TechWomen Program Initiative at Dakota State University. Grant proposal with the Department of State’s TechWomen Initiative. Unfunded.
B. Van Aartsen, C Noteboom, D. Talley, D. Tech, Technology adoption in higher education: an analysis of web usage mining in public-facing websites. IACIS Annual Conference (64th), October 2024.
A. Sekar, D. Tech, P. Brooks, C. Noteboom. Factors influencing blockchain implementation in supply chain management - An exploratory pilot study. Issues in Information Systems (IIS), Volume 25 (Scopus-indexed journal), August 2024.
A. Sekar and D. Tech, Exploratory Study on the Impact of Blockchain Integration Adoption on Inventory Accuracy and Supply Chain Efficiency Contact Author: Aravindh Sekar, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2024.
A. Sekar, D. Tech, C. Bakker Noteboom. Exploring the Impact of Blockchain Integration on Inventory Accuracy and Supply Chain Efficiency – A Literature Review, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2024.
B. Merkel and D. Tech. AI in Business. South Dakota Human Resource Conference (Pierre, SD). May 2024
D. Tech. Comprehensive Role Play, SELL 7e. Comprehensive chapter-by-chapter role-play focusing on selling techniques and technology in the sales field. Cengage Publishing. October, 2022.
- S. Lakkaraju, D. Tech, and S. Deng (2017, July). A Framework for Profiling Prospective Students in Higher Education: Prospect profiling in higher education marketing. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition. IGI Global.
- D. Tech (2014, December). Positioning and LinkedIn - Marketing Technology. Marketing lesson for publication on
- D. Tech and Walsh, L. (2019, November). DSU's Deb Tech Explains Blockchain. In the Moment, SDPB.
- D. Tech (2018, November). Amazon and online retailers interview with KSFY. Televised interview with Vanessa Gomez, KSFY morning news.
- D. Bennett and D. Tech (2018, June). Supporting Retention by Building Program Communities Using Learning Management Systems (LMS). Poster presentation at Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) Conference in Kansas City, MO.
- M. Kearl, C. Noteboom and D. Tech (2017, May and July). A Novel Improvement to Google Scholar Ranking Algorithms Through Broad Topic Search. Poster presentation at Midwest Association for Information Systems (MWAIS) Conference in Springfield, Illinois on May. Paper presentation at 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), July 2017.
- D. Nelson and D. Tech (2014, October). Lead the parade: a case study depicting the use of traditional and online marketing strategies to expand into the hyper-growth market in the Bakken region of North Dakota. Paper presented at the South Dakota International Business Conference (SDIB), Rapid City, SD.
- N. El-Bendary, B. Naik, & D. Tech (2012, October). Does Culture Influence Learning Styles? A Comparative Study of Two Cultures. Paper presented at the South Dakota International Business Conference (SDIB), Deadwood, SD.
- M. Franco, B. Naik, & D. Tech (2010, October). A Comparative Study of Learning Styles of Business Students in The United States and the Dominican Republic. Paper presented at South Dakota International Business Conference (SDIB), Rapid City, SD.
- Tech Coffey, D. & Walters, J. (2010, October). Digital Television Broadcast Adoption in Latin America. Paper presented at the SDIB, Rapid City, SD.
- Tech Coffey, D. (2009, October). Examining Networking Effects and Digital Television Adoption in Latin America: A Focus on Argentina. Paper presented at SDIB, Rapid City, SD.
- Tech Coffey, D. (2009, May). Influences: Development of an International Businesswoman. Presentation to the South Dakota American Association of University Women, Madison, SD.
- Tech Coffey, D. (2008, May). Business cultures: Dubai, Spain, Colombia and the UK. A good ol' fashioned slide show with commentary. Presentation at the DSU Faculty Development Workshop, Madison, SD.