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Academic Assessment Committee Charter


The Assessment Coordinating Committee fulfills an advisory, monitoring, coordinating, and regulatory role in assessment matters and advises the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs on the implementation of the DSU Academic Assessment Plan. The Committee’s responsibilities are to:

  1. Collaborate with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment and the Colleges to coordinate the annual academic assessment activities.
  2. Develop the assessment plans for the system-wide general education curriculum.
  3. Review annually the general education assessment plan:
    1. Review the results of the previous year’s academic assessment activities relative to the general assessment goals, outcomes and criteria during the next academic year. The Committee will provide a summary report to the General Faculty and the Provost. This report will highlight the areas of specific strengths and concerns and will include a request for recommendations or comment.
      1. The report will follow reporting requirements established by SDBOR Guideline 2.3.9.A and will be submitted to the Board of Regents for its December Board meeting in compliance with SDBOR Policy 2.3.9.
    2. Examine and synthesize the recommendations and comments from the faculty and the Provost. When the recommendations/comments include proposals for curricular changes, the Committee will forward them to the appropriate faculty groups, the Provost, and the Academic Council. Action or discussion taken by these groups will be returned to the Committee. All other recommendations for change (e.g. recommendations for change in academic assessment criteria, academic assessment procedures or tests) will be handled internally by the Committee.
  4. Support implementation of student learning assessment plans for graduate, undergraduate, certificate, co-curricular, and general education programs.
  5. Monitor to ensure all academic programs conduct and submit annual health checks, midcycle reviews, and 6-year program reviews pursuant to SDBOR Policy 2.3.9 and SDBOR AAC Guideline 2.3.4.A.
  6. Examine assessment results annually to provide feedback on any needed action based upon those results.
  7. Advise programs conducting SDBOR Program Review and program reviews required by external accrediting and designation agencies.
  8. Review annually the undergraduate and graduate major-field assessment plans to ensure that the plans meet the Guidelines for Major Field Assessment.
  9. Receive annual summary reports from the Colleges regarding Major Field Assessment activities to ensure that plans are being implemented and assessment data and results are being evaluated and acted upon by the Colleges.
  10. Evaluate annually the policies governing the assessment processes.


The Assessment Coordinating Committee will consist of:

Director of Institutional Effectiveness & Policy, Chair (Nature of Office) 

  • Six (6) faculty representatives
    • Four (4) faculty representatives (one from each college)
    • One (1) faculty representative from the library
    • One (1) representative from the College of Graduate Studies
  • One (1) representative from the Office of Online Learning, appointed by the Provost
  • Four (4) deans (one from each college)
  • One (1) student representative recommended by the Student Senate and confirmed by the Provost for a one-year term.
  • Other members of the faculty and/or student body recommended by the Assessment Coordinating Committee and confirmed by the Provost for one-year terms.
  • Ad hoc project teams may be formed to work on specific assessment projects on an annual basis. Other faculty, staff or administrators may be added to the project teams as needed.


Per the Policy on Committees


Per the Policy on Committees


Adopted: 12/18/2023