Connecting through DSU
November 30, 2020
“DSU stands out by having a five-year professional accounting degree that sets you up for the CPA exam,” said Tavyn Hallan, a senior from Madison, SD, who is majoring in Professional Accountancy.
A business teacher introduced Hallan to the world of accounting in high school, and he found immediately that he enjoyed it.
While at DSU he has continued learning about business and accounting, with professors teaching him about every aspect that goes into running any type of business organization.
“Many of my professors have left long-lasting impacts on me,” Hallan said. “My professors have supported me during my time at DSU and helped me make professional connections that will help me to succeed in my young career.”
The importance of these connections is the one of the vital lessons he’s learned at DSU.
“Having others that you can rely on for expertise, advice, and opportunity are key factors of establishing a successful career, and I am confident in my connections at DSU.”
Hallan has built some of these connections through his involvement on campus. He is vice president of public relations in the Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Business Club, a Trojan Ambassador, and a varsity member of the esports team. Additionally, he has been a work-study student for Enrollment Services for the entirety of his college career.
With involvement in activities, time management skills become necessary for students, and Hallan’s advice for other students is to develop those skills. This will help them juggle classes, homework, friends, work, and free time at home.
Upon graduation, Hallan plans to pass the CPA exam and pursue a job at a CPA firm to gain experience. Eventually he hopes to become a leader in his field and be an executive of a strong business or hold a role in governing accounting policy.