Katie Anderson

Katie Anderson
Assistant Professor / Undergraduate Coordinator for Teacher Education
College of Education & Human Performance
E.D., Reading and Literacy Leadership, Walden University, 2019
M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction with Science Specialist, Black Hills State University, 2010
B.S., Elementary Education, University of South Dakota, 2003
Dr. Katie Anderson is an assistant professor in the College of Education & Human Performance who teaches evidence-based reading methods and also the education research methods course in the Master of Science in Educational Technology (MSET) Program.
Prior to joining the DSU team, Katie taught middle school reading and science in Rapid City, South Dakota for ten years. She has her M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction, is Nationally Board Certified, and was recognized as the SD State Teacher of the Year in 2013.
Office Location: Kennedy Center
Phone: (605) 256-5177
My passion for education is driven by a desire to ensure an engaging education centered on deeper learning for all students. As a teacher leader I know the impact a teacher has on their students is profound. By focusing our efforts on planning an engaging curriculum centered around inquiry, literacy, and meeting all students’ needs we will have the opportunity to make great changes for learners of all ages.
Anderson's teaching interests include:
Evidence-Based Reading for Kindergarten to 3rd Grade
Evidence-Based Reading for 4th-8th Grade
Reading and Content Literacy
Literacy Assessment and Remediation
Research Methods in Educational Technology
Literacy Education
Teacher Satisfaction and Work Environment
Teacher Preparation
- 2024 The Ernest Teagarden Award for Excellence in Teaching
- 2024 DSU Team of the Year (College of Education and Human Performance)
- 2022 DSU Team of the Year (College of Education)
- 2020 20 to Watch in 2020
- 2014 Doctorate of Ed Teacher of the Year full scholarship – Walden University
- 2014 SD NEA Teaching Excellence Award recipient/California Casualty Award
- 2013 Recipient of Classroom Innovation Grant
- 2013 South Dakota Teacher of the Year
- 2012-2013 ESA 7 Regional Teacher of the Year
- 2012-2013 Rapid City School District Teacher of the Year
- 2011-2012 Dakota Middle School Teacher of Distinction
- 2011 American Physiological Society (ASP) Frontiers in Education Fellowship
- 2010-2011 Dakota Middle School Golden Apple Teacher
- National Board Certification – 2013
- Early Adolescent Science
- LETRS Certification 2022
- Certificate of Mastery
- National Science Foundation/EPSCoR Award No. IIA-1355423 (Pl: Dr. Jennifer Nash) - From the National Science Foundation, a $750,000 grant for 2014-19
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - National Network of State Teachers of the Year - ECET 2 Conference, a $22,000 grant for 2018
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - National Network of State Teachers of the Year - ECET 2 Conference, a $24,000 grant for 2019
- Higher Education Representative for the SD Department of Education State Personnel Development Grant Program (PI: SD Department of Education) for 2018-2021
- DSU Online Learning Academy Grant for $500 for 2020
- Anderson, Katie, (2018). Understanding the Differences Between Novice and Experienced Reading Teachers. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 5968. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/5968
- Anderson, K., Sewell, W., & Munger, J. (2020). Report: Teacher Preparation in Reading in SD Regental Universities. SD Department of Education. Funded through SD SPDG Grant.
- Anderson, K., & Crowser, S (2021). State Adopted Professional Development for Teachers: Five-Day Foundational Reading Training for K-8th Grade Teachers. SD Department of Education.
- Anderson, K. (2023). Empowering Futures Through Literacy. The Dakota Scout. https://www.thedakotascout.com/p/viewpoint-empowering-futures-through
- Crowser, S., Anderson, K., Buechler, K., Zebill, D., Mueller, A., Newcomb, J., & Parce, E. (2023). SD Literacy Framework, Creating Effective Readers: Enabling Students to Be College, Career, and Life Ready. SD Department of Education. https://doe.sd.gov/literacy/Framework.aspx
- Klungseth, S., & Anderson, K. (2024). Teaching by Day, Moonlighting by Night: Moonlighting as a Response to Low Teacher Pay. American Journal of Education Research, 12 (2) 38-43. DOI:10.12691/education-12-2-2
- Anderson, K. & Nash, J. (2024). Fostering Literacy Together: Family and School Connections. 2024 Technology in Education (TIE) Conference, Sioux Falls, S.D.
- Anderson, K. & Klungseth, S. (2024). Teaching by Day, Moonlighting by Night. 2024 Technology in Education (TIE) Conference, Sioux Falls, S.D.
- Anderson, K & Mulder, S. (2024). Transforming Teacher Prep: Embracing the Science of Reading; International Dyslexia Association Upper Midwest Branch; St. Paul, MN.
- Anderson, K. (2023). Effective Vocabulary Instruction. 2023 Technology in Education (TIE) Conference, Sioux Falls, S.D.
- Anderson, K. & Nash, J. (2017). Technology Supports for Content Literacy in Science. 2017 Technology in Education (TIE) Conference, Rapid City, S.D.
- Anderson, K, Keegan, N., Knowlton, T., & Mohelman, J. (2011). Literacy in the Science Classroom: Science Notebooks. National Science Teachers Association Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Anderson, K., Nicole, K, & Moehlman, J. (2010). Literacy in the Science Classroom. South Dakota Science Teacher Conference, Huron, SD.
- Anderson, K., Turnipseed, S., & Lindskov, L. (2014). What’s Your TOY IQ. Oacoma, SD.
- Anderson, K., Turnipseed, S., Kuhlman, P., & Muuller, P. (2013). Teaching. Leading. Learning: Four of South Dakota’s Great Faces. South Dakota Systems Change Conference. Oacoma, SD.
- Anderson, K., (2023). Building Blocks of Literacy: Phonological Awareness and Phonics, Mitchell School District, Mitchell, South Dakota.
- Anderson, K., (2023). Sound Shapers: Get Hands-On with Early Reading Schools, DSU EdRising Conference, Madison, South Dakota.
- Anderson, K. (2023). Unlocking Literacy: Building a Strong Foundation for Your Child, Mitchell School District Parent Literacy Night, Mitchell, South Dakota.
- Anderson, K. (2023). Engaging Parents in Literacy: Applying the Science of Reading, Area IV Principal’s Meeting, Mitchell, SD.
- Anderson, K. (2023). Science of Reading Overview: Understanding the What? Why? When? How? of Teaching Reading in Every Classroom for Every Student, Avon School District Professional Development, Avon, SD.
- Anderson, K. (2024). Building Blocks of Literacy: Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, and Comprehension, Avon School District Professional Development, Avon, SD.
- Anderson, K. (2024). Science of Reading Summer Training Opportunities and TAP Overview. West River Principals Meeting. Virtual.
- Anderson, K. (2024). Cultivating a Robust Vocabulary and Supporting Reading Comprehension Across the Content Area, Ben Reifel Middle School Professional Development, Sioux Falls, SD.
- Anderson, K. & Sheila M. (2024). Science of Reading: Professional Learning for Administration, Brookings, SD.