Mark Hawkes

Mark Hawkes
Dean of Graduate Studies
Graduate Studies
Ph.D., Syracuse University
M.S., Brigham Young University
B.S., Brigham Young University
Dr. Mark Hawkes is Dean of Graduate Studies and the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Dakota State University. He is also a Professor of Instructional Technology. Previous positions were held at the Evaluation and Policy Information Center of the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory in Chicago and the Center for Instructional Development at Syracuse University where he also received a PhD. Dr. Hawkes has led and participated in a number of district and statewide studies and evaluations of educational technology, fueling his research interests in the outcomes of educational technology application on student learning and teacher professional development. Additional research is also applied to understand optimal instructional design in distributed learning environments. He resides in Madison with his wife Joy and their family.
Office Location: Tunheim Classroom Building
Phone: (605) 256-5799
Funded Research, Evaluation, and Development Grant Proposals
Hawkes, M (2018, 2019). Dakota State University Summer Information Technology Academy for High School Students. Funded by SD EPSCoR, $38,000.
Hawkes, M. (2011). Qwest Teachers and Technology Grant. Promoting Math Content Skills, Integrated Study, and Varied Assessment Using Learner Response Technology at St, Thomas Elementary School. Spring 2011, $2,381.
U.S. Department of Education, Small Business and Innovation Research (D. Friedrich, M. Torgrude, M. Hawkes) “Perceptions, Policies, & Practices Governing Use of the Internet as a Teaching and Learning Tool.” May 2006, $89,617.
South Dakota Department of Education (T. Farrell, M. Hawkes) to develop and offer graduate level course (ED 692) “Leadership in 1:1 Computing.” Contract: DSU 06-139. January 2006, $5,000.
Chester Area School District 39-1. Evaluation of the Making Middle School Work Comprehensive School Improvement Initiative, August 2004-07, $12,000.
DSU Center for the Advancement of Technology, Teaching and Learning. Technology-Supported Performance Assessment for Pre-Service Educators of Educational Psychology 302, Technology Effectiveness Grant, Summer 2003, $2,129
South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs to study the impacts on student learning that can be linked to the statewide teacher professional development program “Technology for Teaching and Learning.” Contract 2003-023. 2002, $5,990
Chesswas, R., Hawkes, M., Good, K., Evaluation of a statewide interactive video dissemination and integration project: “The Ohio SchoolNet Telecommunity Evaluation” North Central Regional Educational Laboratory funded by Ameritech. 1997-99, $300,000.
Chesswas, R., Hawkes, M., Farley, J., Good, K., Evaluation of the “Pioneering Partners” school technology program by North Central Regional Educational Laboratory funded by GTE Telecommunication Co. and the Great Lakes Council of Governors to study the impacts of technology integration and professional development in Indiana. 1995-97, $58,054.
Publications—Periodicals (Refereed)
El-Gayar, O., Moran, M., & Hawkes, M. (2011). Students’ acceptance of Tablet PCs and implications for educational institutions. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 14(2), 58-70.
Dittman, D., Hawkes, M., Deokar, A., & Sarnikar, S. (2010). Improving Virtual Team Collaboration Outcomes through Collaboration Process Structuring. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 11(4), 195-210.
Moran, M., Hawkes, M., & El Gayar, O. (2010). Mobile computing integration in higher education: applying the unified theory of acceptance and use technology model to understand supporting factors. Journal of Computing in Education 42(1) 79-101.
Hawkes, M. & Hategekimana, C. (2009). Impacts of Mobile Computing on Student Learning in the University. Journal of Educational Systems 38(1) 63-74.
Hawkes, M. (2007). Reflective Outcomes of Convergent and Divergent Group Tasking in the Online Learning Environment. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 8(2), 95-108.
Hawkes, M. (2006). Linguistic Discourse Variables as Indicators of Reflective Online Interaction: A Comparative Study. American Journal of Distance Education, 20(4) 231-244.
Hawkes, M., & Cambre, M. (2005). Toys and Technology: A Circuitous Evolution. Educational Technology, 45(4), 34-37.
Hawkes, M. & Terveen, J. (2004). A Tale of Two States: Models of High School Course Delivery. Distance Learning 1(3), 1-6.
Hawkes, M. & Brockmueller, B. (2004). Gender differentials in school technology support roles: An analysis. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 32(1), 31-45.
Hawkes, M. & Dennis, T. (2003). Supporting and assessing online interactions in higher education. Educational Technology, 43(4), 52-56.
Hawkes, M. & Coldeway, D. (2002). An analysis of team vs. faculty-based online course development: Implications for instructional design. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 3(4), 431-441.
Hawkes, M., Halverson, P. & Brockmueller, B. (2002). Technology facilitation in the rural school: An analysis of options. Journal of Research in Rural Education 17(3), 162-170.
Hawkes, M., & Romiszowski, A. (2001). Examining the reflective outcomes of asynchronous computer-mediated communication on inservice teacher development. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 9(2), 285-308.
Hawkes, M., & Cambre, M. (2001). Educational technology: Identifying the effects. Principal Leadership, 1(9), 48-51.
Hawkes, M. (2001). Variables of interest in exploring the reflective outcomes of network-based communication. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 33(3), 44-56.
Cambre, M., & Hawkes, M. (2001). Twelve steps to a telecommunity. Learning and Leading with Technology 28(6), 22-28.
Hawkes, M., & Cambre, M. (2000). The cost factor: When is interactive distance education justifiable? Technology Horizons in Education Journal, 28(1), 26-32.
Hawkes, M. (2000). The well-networked science teacher. Curriculum Technology Quarterly, 10(1), 6-7.
Hawkes, M. (2000). Structuring computer-mediated communication for teacher professional development. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 33(4), 268-277.
Hawkes, M., & Good, K. (2000). Evaluating professional development outcomes of a telecollaborative technology curriculum. Rural Educator: Journal for Rural and Small Schools 22(1), 49-58.
Hawkes, M., & Wilber, D. (1999). Helping teachers meet the technology challenge. Learning Point. 1(3), 9-11.
Hawkes, M., (1999). Exploring the claims for network-based communication on teacher professional development. Educational Technology, 39(4), 45-52.
Hawkes, M., (1998). Funding a technology network in your school. Schools in the Middle: Theory into Practice, 7(5), 24-28.
Hawkes, M., (1998). A participatory approach in developing educational telecommunications performance indicators. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications Technology 4(1), 97-108.
Hawkes, M., Kimmelman, P., and Kroeze, D., (1997). Becoming “first in the world” in math and science: Moving high expectations and promising practices to scale. Phi Delta Kappan, 79(1), 30-33.
Hawkes, M., Kimmelman, P., Christensen, M., Nowakowski, J., and Pace-Marshall, S. (1997). Go for the goal: The pursuit of world-class standards. American School Board Journal, 184(5), 68-74.
Hawkes, M. (1997). School Renewal Online: One stop shopping for school improvement. Electronic School, (March), 22-24.
Hawkes, M. (1996). Evaluating school-based distance education programs: Some thoughts about methods. NASSP Journal for Middle Level and High School Leaders, 80(582), 26-33.
Hawkes, M. (1996). Criteria for evaluating school-based distance education programs. NASSP Journal for Middle Level and High School Leaders, 80(581), 45-52.
Publications—Book Chapters
Bukralia, R., Deokar, A., Sarnikar, S., Hawkes, M. (2011). Using Machine Learning Techniques in Student Dropout Prediction. In Cases on Institutional Research Systems, A. Hansel and M. Burley (eds). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Hawkes, M. (2009). An analysis of team vs. faculty-based online course development: Implications for instructional design. In The Perfect Online Course: Best Practices for Designing and Teaching, A. Orellana, T. L. Hudgins and M Simonson (eds.). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
Hawkes, M. (2004). Electronic Surveys. In Encyclopedia of Evaluation, S. Matheson (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hawkes, M. (2004). Instructional Technology. In Encyclopedia of Evaluation, S. Matheson (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hawkes, M. (2004). Instructional Design and Evaluation. In Encyclopedia of Evaluation, S. Matheson (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Williams, D., & Hawkes, M. (2003). Issues and practices related to mainstreaming evaluation: Where do we flow from here? In New Directions for Program Evaluation, J. Barnett & J. Sanders (eds.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Davis, N., Hawkes, M., Heineke, W., & Veen, W. (2001). Multiple perspectives on evaluation of new technology in education and teacher education. In Methods of Evaluating Educational Technology, W. Heineke & J. Willis (eds.). Greenwich, CN: Information Age Publishing.
Froh, R. & Hawkes, M. (1996). Assessing student involvement in learning. In Teaching on Solid Ground: Using Scholarship to Improve Practice, R. Menges, and M. Weimer (eds.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Cambre, M., & Hawkes, M (2004). Toys, Tools and Teachers: The Challenges of Technology. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Education Press.
Scholarly Presentations (Refereed Conferences)
Fu, H.& Hawkes, M. (2010). Optimizing assessment: involving self, peers, and instructor in assessing students presentation with technology. Round-table presentation at 2010 AECT International Convention, Oct 25- 30, Anaheim, California.
Fu, H. & Hawkes, M. (2010). Technology-supported peer assessment as a means for pre-service teachers learning. Presented at the workshop of Computer-Supported Peer Review in Education (CSPRED) in conjunction with the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), 2010, June 14-18, Pittsburgh, PA.
Fu, H. & Hawkes, M. (2009). Presentation assessment with the technology support. Poster Presented at the Research Fair of College of Education and Human Development, University of North Dakota, April 8, Grand Forks, ND.
Hawkes, M., (2009). Interactive Video in the K-12 World: Contrasting Models of Application. Paper presentation at the United States Distance Learning Association National Conference. St. Louis, MO. April 28.
Hawkes, M., (2008). Mobile Learning Initiatives: Understanding Technological Acceptance, Use and Evaluation. Paper presentation at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference. Las Vegas, NV. March 7.
Hawkes, M., (2008). Convergent and Divergent Interactions: Online Tasking for Cognitively Complex Learning Results. Paper presentation at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference. Las Vegas, NV. March 4.
Hawkes, M. (2007). Evolving to Accommodate Technology: An Institutions Role. Paper Presentation at the Annual Systems Change Conference, Chamberlain, SD. November 16.
Hawkes, M. & Farrell, T. (2007). What’s Next in Blended Videoconferencing. Presentation given to participants of the North Dakota Interactive Video Network via DDN. Madison, SD. March 22.
Hawkes, M. (2006). Evaluating Ubiquitous Computing Initiatives in Education: Process, Challenges and Impacts. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR. November 3.
Hawkes, M. (2006). Tasking for Cognitively Complex Online Learning: Collaborative Reflective Outcomes of Convergent and Divergent Group Interactions. Paper presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology. Dallas, TX. October 12.
Hawkes, M. (2006). Instructional Media Technology: Variations and Applications. An invited presentation at the South Dakota Career and Technical Educators Annual Conference, Pierre, SD, August 9.
Hawkes, M. (2006). Training Techniques, Tips, and Tricks for Distance Educators. An invited presentation at the North Dakota Interactive Video Network Summer Conference, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, June 14.
Hawkes, M. (2005). Wireless, Mobile Computing: Implementation Outcomes and Evaluation Strategies. Paper presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology. Orlando, FL. October 20.
Hawkes, M. (2005). Understanding Online Interaction, Collaboration, and Reflection: A New Cultural Linguistic Lens. Paper presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology. Orlando, FL. October 20.
Hawkes, M. (2005). New Roles for Technology in Performance Assessment: Students at the Instrument Panel. Paper presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association of Educational Communications and Technology. Orlando, FL. October 21.
Hawkes, M. (2005). Preservice Teacher Self and Peer Assessment: A Study of the Application of Wireless, Mobile, Digital Video Technologies. Paper presentation at the Beyond Boundaries Conference: Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning. Grand Forks, ND. October 6.
Hawkes, M. (2005). Students Behind the Assessment Wheel: Fun at the Instrument Panel. A presentation given at the Collaboration for the Advancement of Student Learning and Teaching. Bloomington, MN. February 23.
Hawkes, M. (2004). Learning Theory in Support of Multimedia. A presentation given at the South Central Cooperative Teacher Conference. Wagner, SD. August 2004.
Hawkes, M. (2004). Identifying and Developing Technology Support Capacity in Rural Schools. Poster Presentation at the first annual South Dakota Board of Regents Research Conference: 2010 Initiative. Pierre, SD. May 10.
Hawkes, M. (2003). Outcomes of a Statewide Telecommunications Technology Evaluation Initiative. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Reno, NV. November 6.
Hawkes, M. (2003). The Evolving Role of Evaluation in E-Learning Infused Independent Study. Paper presentation at the American Association for Collegiate Independent Study Annual Conference. Sioux Falls, SD. October 24.
Hawkes, M. (2003). Distance Delivered Courses and the University Professor. An invited presentation at Nova Southeastern University Seminar Series, Trends and Issues in Instructional Technology and Distance Education.
Hawkes, M. (2003). New Age Technologies in South Dakota Schools: Digital Dakota Network Application and Use. Paper presentation at the Technology and Innovations in Education Conference. Rapid City, SD. April 8.
Hawkes, M., and Honomichl, R. (2002). Development and Support of Technology Facilitation Personnel in Rural Schools. Paper presented at the Twenty-fourth Annual Rural and Small School Conference. Manhattan. KS. November 11.
Hawkes, M. (2002). Technology Support Solutions for Rural Schools: Evaluand Profile and Evaluation Practice. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. November 9.
Hawkes, M., Halverson, P. & Brockmuller, B. (2002). Rural Schools and the Technology Coordinator: Profile, Preparation and Issues. Paper presentation at the Technology and Innovations in Education Conference. Sioux Falls, SD. April 15.
Hawkes, M. (2002). Evaluating Online Learning: Issues and Strategies. A paper presented at the Innovations, Educating New Generations Educational Technology Conference, Brookings, SD. March 1.
Williams, D. D., Hawkes, M. M., Conner, R. F., King, J. A., Patton, M. Q., and Sanders, J. R. (2001). Reflections on Mainstreaming Evaluation. Closing panel session at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, St. Louis, Missouri, November 11.
Hawkes, M., & Chandler, M. (2001). Choosing Indicators in Online Learning Evaluation. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO. November 8.
Hawkes, M. (2001). Critically Reflective Teacher Dialogue in Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Communication. A paper presented at the International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Madison, WI. August 6.
Coldeway, D., & Hawkes, M. (2001). Instructional Design in Distance Delivered Graduate Educational Programs: Summary Evaluation and the Resulting ID Principals. The Annual Conference in Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI. August 10.
Coldeway, D., & Hawkes, M. (2001). The Future of Distance Education. Or, Ways to View Learners, as Students or Consumers. Presentation at the inaugural Collaborative Changes: Creating E-Learning Solutions Conference, Vermillion, SD. April 27.
Hawkes, M., Talley, D., & Webster, J. (2001). An Introduction to the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching. Presentation at the Great Plains Alliance for Computers and Writing, Madison, SD. April 20.
Hawkes, M. (2000). Critical Issues in Evaluating the Effectiveness of Technology. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Waikiki, HI. November 2.
Hawkes, M. & Wang, H. (2000). Network Communication Supported Teacher Inservice Development. Paper presentation at the Technology and Innovations in Education Conference. Sioux Falls, SD. April 17.
Davis, N., Hawkes, M., Heineke, W., & Veen, W. (2000). Evaluating Educational Technology: An Invited SITE Panel. Panel presentation at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference. San Diego, CA. February 10.
Hawkes, M. (2009). An Evaluation of the Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration Project Inter-organizational Agreements Collaborative. Madison, SD: Technology Support Services, Dakota State University.
Hawkes, M. & Friedrich, D. (2008). Security, Integrity and Confidentiality of Information on School Network Systems: A study of K-12 Computing Practices. Madison, SD: Technology Support Services, Dakota State University.
Hawkes, M. (2005). Evaluating the Implementation of the Making Middle Schools Work Program: A Report Prepared for the Chester Area School District on a Comprehensive School Reform Initiative. Madison, SD: Dakota State University
Hawkes, M. (2005). Evaluation of the Wireless, Mobile, Computing Initiative at Dakota State University: Year 1. Madison, SD: Dakota State University
Hawkes, M. (2005). Learner-Centered Theory and Practice in Distance Education: Cases From Higher Education. Edited by Duffy, T.M., & Kirkley, J.R. (Book Review). Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 6(3), 273-77.
Hawkes, M., & Honomichl, R. (2002). Determining the Effects of Technology for Teaching and Learning (TTL) on Student Standardized Test Scores. A Report Prepared for the Office of Educational Technology of the South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs. Madison, SD: Dakota State University.
Hawkes, M., Foertsch, M., & Youngren, B. (2000). Educational Technology for Engaged Learning: District 59 Technology Program Evaluation. Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 030565)
McNabb, M., Hawkes, M., Rouk, U. (1999) Critical Issues in Evaluating the Effectiveness of Technology. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology.
Valdez, G., McNabb, M., Foertsch, M., Anderson, M., Hawkes, M., Raack, L. (1999). Computer-Based Technology and Learning: Evolving Uses and Expectations. Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.
Hawkes, M., Cambre, M., and Lewis, M. (1999). The Ohio SchoolNet Telecommunity Evaluation—Year Three Evaluation Results: Examining Interactive Video Implementation, Adoption, and Resource Needs. Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.
McNabb, M., Valdez, G., Nowakowski, J., and Hawkes, M. (1999). Technology Connections for School Improvement: Planners Handbook. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.
Hawkes, M., Chandler, M., & Diamond, J. (1997). Milwaukee Public School District Innovative Schools Program Implementation Study Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.
LaSota, R., Freel, A., & Hawkes, M. (1997). The NCREL experience in PBL: Lessons Learned and Recommendations. In P. Hallinger and E. Bridges (eds.) Problem-Based Learning. Resources for Urban School Leadership Training. Madison, WI: University of WI.
Hawkes, M., Quinn, D. W., Bell, R., & Knott, T. (1996). The Ohio SchoolNet Telecommunity Evaluation: Year One Evaluation Results. Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.
Hawkes, M., (1995). Evaluating Interactive Video Distance Learning Systems: A Practical Guide of Considerations and Alternatives? Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.