Jennifer Nash

Jennifer Nash
Associate Professor
College of Education & Human Performance
Ph.D., Pharmacology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 2004
B.S., Biology, Minnesota State University, Mankato. 1996
Jennifer Nash is an Associate Professor in the College of Education at Dakota State University where she has been a faculty member since 2005. Her research interests lie in the area of science education, specifically utilizing technology in the K-12 classroom to augment K-12 student learning outcomes in content area literacy and STEM education. Jennifer currently teaches courses in K-12 science methods, STEM, and earth/physical science content.
Office Location: Remote
Phone: (605) 256-5177
I am passionate about optimizing teaching and learning in both face-to-face and online education
settings. Recent interests include integrating the Universal Design for Learning Framework into online
instruction, facilitating hands-on science using picture books & the 5E Instructional Model in K-12, and using technology tools to support student learning in science, social studies, and STEM in K-12 and higher-education.
- 2017 DeWayne Mork Award for Excellence in Service.
- 2010 South Dakota Verizon Thinkfinity Trainer of the Year.
- 2010 DeWayne Mork Award for Excellence in Service.
- April 2009 South Dakota Verizon Thinkfinity Field Trainers of the Month.
- 2019-2023 South Dakota EPSCoR Track I Sub-award
National Science Foundation
Annual amount of approximately $10,000 per year - 2014-2019 South Dakota EPSCoR Sub-award
National Science Foundation
Annual amount of approximately $150,000 per year - 2017 Faculty Mini Innovation Grant
Dakota State University
One-time amount of $1000 - 2016 Faculty Mini Innovation Grant
Dakota State University
One-time amount of $3225 - 2012-2013 Education Project
Interlakes United Way
One time amount of $800 - 2008 No Child Left Inside Grants Award Program
South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks
One time amount of $1000 - 2007 Title II No Child Left Behind Competitive Subgrant
South Dakota Department of Education
One-time amount of $50,000 - 2004 Student Travel Award
Second International GH-IGF Symposium, Cairns, Australia
One-time amount of $2000 - 2001-2004 Pre-doctoral Traineeship Award
USAMMC Department of Defense
Annual direct amount of $22, 000 per year
- McKay, S., Geary, M., Maloney, J., Nash, J. & Geary, J. (2019). Rocket Roundup. In K. Graziano (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp.101-107). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education(AACE). Retrieved October 15, 2019 from
- J.M. Nash. Using Universal Design for Learning in Online Instruction. Online Classroom Newsletter 18(6): 2-3, 2018.
- J.M. Gross (Nash). Pre-service Teachers Learn to Teach Science Using Picture Books. South Dakota Reading Council Journal IV(1): 8-11, 2009.
- J.M. Gross (Nash) and D. Yee. Review Article: The type-1 IGF receptor tyrosine kinase and breast cancer: Biology and therapeutic relevance. Cancer Metastasis Review 22(4): 327-336, 2003.
- J.M. Gross (Nash) and D. Yee. How does the estrogen receptor work? Breast Cancer Research &
Treatment 4(2): 62-64, 2002. - Y. Wang, T.J. Berndt, J.M. Gross (Nash), M.A. Peterson, M.J. So, and F.G.Knox. Effect of inhibition of MAO and COMT on intrarenal dopamine and serotonin and on renal function. American Journal Physiology 280(1): R248-54, 2001.
- J.M. Gross (Nash), T.J. Berndt, and F.G. Knox. Effect of serotonin receptor antagonist infusion on phosphate excretion. Journal American Society Nephrology 11(6): 1002-7, 2000.
- A.C. Pflueger, T.S. Larson, K.A. Nath, B.F. King, J.M. Gross (Nash), and F.G. Knox. Role of adenosine in contrast media-induced acute renal failure in diabetes mellitus. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 75(12): 1275-83, 2000.
- J.M. Gross (Nash), J.E. Dwyer, and F.G. Knox. Natriuretic response to increased pressure is preserved with COX-2 inhibitors. Hypertension 34: 1163-1167, 1999.
- A.C. Pflueger, J.M. Gross (Nash), H. Osswald, and F.G. Knox. Adenosine-induced renal vasoconstriction in diabetes rats: role of prostaglandins. American Journal Physiology 277(46):
R1410-R1417, 1999.
- J.M Nash, and M. Schuh. “Going on a GooseChase”, Technology in Education and Innovation (TIE) Conference,SD, April 2022.
- J.M. Nash, and B. Hoek. “Teaching Science Remotely Using Nearpod”, Technology in Education and Innovation(TIE) Online Conference, SD, April 2021.
- J.M. Nash. “Designing STEM Learning Using the BSCS 5E Instructional Model”, Hawaii University International Conference for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics and Education, Honolulu, HI, June 2019.
- M. Blake and J.M. Nash. “Dumpster Dive of Technology Tools”, Technology in Education and Innovation (TIE)Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, April 2018.
- J.M. Nash and K. Anderson. “Technology Supports for Content Literacy in Science”, Technology in Education and Innovation (TIE) Conference, Rapid City, SD, April 2017.
- J.M. Nash and M. Blake. “Technology Supports for Science and Social Studies”, Technology in Education and Innovation (TIE) Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, April 2016.
- J.M. Nash and C. Olson. “Exploring Accessibility Features”, Technology in Education and Innovation (TIE)Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, April 2016.
- J.M. Nash and V. Sterling. “Technology Supports for Reading Comprehension”, Technology in Education andInnovation (TIE) Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, April 2014.
- J.M. Nash, V. Sterling, and C. Pauli. “Strategically Plan the Development of Comprehension Skills in Content Areas.” 58th Annual International Reading Association Convention, San Antonio, TX, 2013.
- J.M. Nash, V. Sterling, and C. Pauli. “Celebrate Science and Social Studies by Strengthening Reading.” 57th Annual International Reading Association Convention, Chicago, IL, 2012.
- J.M. Nash and V. Sterling. “Reading Supports in the Content Area”. South Dakota Reading Council Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, July 2011.
- J.M. Nash, D. Wiken, and V. Sterling. “Content Area Reading Using Thinkfinity”. South Dakota Reading Council Conference, Rapid City, SD, October 2010.
D. Wiken, J.M. Nash, and V. Sterling. “Integrating PhotoStory to Support the Curriculum”. South Dakota Reading Council Conference, Rapid City, SD, October 2010. - J.M. Gross (Nash), D. Wiken, and V. Sterling. Four-hour in-depth session: “Plan Interdisciplinary Lessons with the Support of Thinkfinity”, Technology in Education and Innovation (TIE) Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, April 2010.
- J.M. Gross (Nash), D. Wiken, and V. Sterling. “Exploring Thinkfinity”, Technology in Education and Innovation (TIE) Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, April 2010.
- J.M.Gross and A.J. Rook. “No Child Left Inside”, National Science Teacher Association Regional (NSTA) Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 2009.
- J.M. Gross (Nash), D. Wiken, and V. Sterling. Four-hour in-depth session: “Plan Interdisciplinary Units with the Support of Thinkfinity”, Technology in Education and Innovation (TIE) Conference, Rapid City, SD, April 2009.
- J.M. Gross (Nash) and V. Sterling. “Let Your Science Grow with Reading Strategies”. South Dakota Reading Council Conference, Pierre, SD, August 2008.
- J.M. Gross (Nash), V. Sterling, D. Wiken, G. Midland, and M. Geary. Four-hour in-depth session: “Interdisciplinary Units with a Twist of Technology”, Technology in Education and Innovation (TIE) Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, April 2008.
- J.M. Gross (Nash) and D. Yee. “Translational regulation of estrogen-mediated gene expression by IGF-I in MCF7 breast cancer cells”, Second International GH-IGF Symposium, Cairns, Australia, May 2004.