Dakota State University students walking around campus

Preparation + opportunity = success

That's the DSU equation. We're a four-year university with nationally recognized programs, cutting-edge facilities, and the brightest thinkers. But we're also a tight-knit, inclusive community. Small class sizes mean hands-on training and individualized attention. All this with an affordable, public school price that's among the best values in the region.

Majors & Degrees

Doctoral Residency

Welcome to Ph.D. Residency

Our Residency program is an annual on-campus event held for students in our Beacom College of Computing and Cyber Sciences Ph.D. programs in Computer Science, Cyber Defense, and Cyber Operations. The Doctoral Residency is an opportunity for our doctoral students to converge on topics relevant to our field. Activities will include doctoral dissertation proposal defenses, final dissertation proposal defenses, program meetings, and a selection of guests who will discuss topics ranging from doctoral program progression to research themes in our field.

Doctoral students are required to attend our Residency events. Each student should enroll for CSC 890 (one credit each, three separate years). If students are unable to travel to the Residency please contact your program coordinator. You will also find information about our annual Research Symposia which runs concurrent to the Residency, and DakotaCon which succeeds it.

Dates: March 18-20, 2025
Location: Dakota State University

Doctoral Residency Agenda, 2025

Request Information

Residency Information

Graduate Students

The links below will provide the information you need to make preparations for Residency participation. After registering for credit and making travel plans, please contact student services to acquire a student identification card. Identification will help you manage some of your university access privileges. Information—especially the agenda, will be updated often. If you have any questions, please contact your advisor or program coordinator, or feel free to contact us at the Graduate Office (605-256-5799). We look forward to having you on campus for a few days. And, we know you will enjoy meeting and networking with other doctoral students.

Before you arrive on campus you need to have your ID badge created.  We want this ready for you on the first day of your residency.  Simply use the link below, sign in and follow the instructions.  If you have issues you can always reach out to Card Services by email at CardServices@dsu.edu.  Your student ID will be needed for Trojan Silver and possibly discounts at other places around town. 

Please plan to fly into the Sioux Falls Regional Airport which is about 45 miles from Dakota State University.  Once you have your travel arrangements made please let us know so we can arrange for airport pick-up to take you to DSU.

We try to do the best we can and accommodate a variety of options for students flying into SD, but if the available shuttle times do not match up for your arrival/departure times it is our recommendation that you secure a rental vehicle or arrange for an Uber to Madison, SD on the 17th.

You can use the shuttle service to and from your Madison, SD hotel to the DSU campus during the week. Many of your colleagues will be renting vehicles and returning to the Sioux Falls airport on March 20th before 5pm. We encourage all attendees to connect with classmates and arrange carpooling if your departure times fall outside of the available shuttle offerings.

If you can arrange transportation to Madison from the airport on March 17th, then we will do our best to connect you with someone who rented a vehicle who might be heading back before 5pm on the 20th. Alternatively, a rental car for yourself might be the easiest option. Thank you for understanding!

Book a Shuttle

We want your stay for residency to be comfortable and convenient. We have a couple of very nice hotels in our town.  Please see the list below for available options. You will just need to mention that you are part of the DSU Ph.D. Residency March 17-20 when you call to make your reservation. Contact the Graduate Studies Office for more information. Please pay close attention to the last date to book dates listed below to be sure you can secure the special group rate.

Super 8

Hotel Information

  • 219 N Highland Ave, Madison, SD 57042

Group Information

  • Group Name: DSU Doctoral Residency
  • Please contact the hotel directly to book your room. You must call directly to get the group rate.
  • We cannot accept reservations through a third party (such as Expedia) for the group rate.
  • The discounted rate is $99/night plus taxes for single rooms, or $119/night plus taxes for double rooms.
  • Must book by 17th of February or the rooms will be released.

Best Western Plus Lakeview Hotel

Hotel Information

Group Information

  • Group Name: Doctoral Residency
  • Please contact the hotel directly to book your room.
  • You must call directly to get the group rate.
  • We cannot accept reservations through a third party (such as Expedia) for the group rate.
  • The discounted rate is $129.99/night, or $143.30 with taxes. Must book by 24th of February or the rooms will be released


Hotel Information

Group Information

  • Group Name: Doctoral Residency Conference
  • Group Code: GS031725DRC
  • Arrival Date: 03/17/2025
  • Departure Date: 03/20/2025

Room(s) Information and Rate(s):

  • 17 Room(s) per night - Double bed - $119.00/night + TAX
  • 3 Room(s) per night - Single bed - $109.00/night + TAX
  • Booking link
  • Room(s) release date:02/25/202

*If guests prefer to call in by phone, please call hotel directly by selecting the option for front desk oroperator and provide the group code.

*If reservations are not made by the release date, remaining rooms will be released.

*If you need any additional assistance, please reach outto the AmericINN hotel directly.

While you are here, we hope you will enjoy the conveniences of small town dining. Most of the listings below are just a short walk or drive from campus. We do also offer dining on campus through Sodexo.

You can purchase Trojan Silver while you are attending residency to pay for your meals at the Marketplace on campus. Trojan Silver is easily loaded onto your Student ID card.  Easy and convenient!

Deposit a minimum of $5.00 onto your Trojan Silver account, and use your student ID as a pre-paid debit card while gaining potential discounts at both on-campus and off-campus eateries.

To add money to your card, you can stop at the Help Desk of the Karl Mundt Library or deposit online at eAccounts below and use DSU email and password credentials.

On Campus

The Trojan Zone various promotions throughout the year using Trojan Silver.

Sodexo - Get a 10% discount on purchases in the Marketplace, The Queue, Bits N’ Bytes on campus convenience store, and 8th Street Square.

Trojan Silver is also accepted at the Print Shop, vending machines, and concessions at athletic events.

Meal Rates

The current door rate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is $9.23.

Saturday and Sunday brunch is $10.28.

Off Campus

There are 5 off campus merchants that will accept Trojan Silver:

  • Classic Corner Convenience
  • Dairy Queen
  • Stadium Sports Grill
  • Prime Time Tavern
  • The Office Bar and Grill!

Mobile ID

We now offer Mobile ID. Search for the Transact eAccounts app on your mobile device and download. Once logged in, scroll down to South Dakota, and choose DSU. Login with your DSU credentials and then add your ID to your mobile wallet and use it the same way you would use your physical Trojan ID Card!

More information on Mobile ID

To help you become more familiar with your classmates, the following doctoral students have consented to share their professional information by sharing the address to their “Linked-In” bios. If you would like to list your “Linked-In” professional information, please send that link to the DSU Graduate Office at gradoffice@dsu.edu.

Abby Daly Godfred Ocloo Nelson Tjada
Adam Fairhall Haywood Gelman Oluwatosin Olubode
Adam Wong Jabree Ellis Parker Seaman
Alberto Moudoki James Campbell Prince Boadi
Alex Wollman Janessa Palmieri Ramadji Doumnande
Amy Collins Jeremy Cundiff Ray Blockmon
Andrew Salazar Joel Austin Robert Riskin
Anthony Foust John Bonar Robinson Raju
Aren Armenak Joseph Padron Ryan Irving
Ashar Siddiqui Josh McNett Samuel Heuchert
Atif Chowhan Josh Mitchell Santwana Das
Bayley Mark Joshua Ohar Sarah Quemada
Bolutife Kolawol Juan Bolanos Sean Alderman
Brandon Baker Julian Galvan Shailynn Hacker
Bryan Durrance Karin Carter Shiva Tomar
Bryan Ikei Karthik Pappu Soonwon Park
Chris Lewis Kasandra Adams Stephanie Polczynski
Christian Bergh Kasie Awagu Sundar Layalu
Clint Fuchs Kayla Ventresca Svuneetha Herath
Cooper Wiegand Kenji Harada Talal Elammas
Cisco Trujillo Kong Phang Taylor Myers
Dalton Ellis Kristin Hayes Tolulope Fajemirokun
Dare Bello Leighton Colvin Tony Diaz
Darryl Nixon Leron Gray Travis Ashley
Dave Schroeder Liz Ombija Trey Jones
David McDermid Logan Therrien Trystan Willard
Dinh Bui Luis Guadalupe Tyler Hardy
Drake Caruso Mahesh Palappattil Warren Thompson
Eder Marski Marcus Hall Wesley Miller
Eli Fulkerson Max Gorbachevsky William Helsel
Eric Yocam Micah Flack Wyatt Tauber
Francisco Fuentes Michael Baker Xander De Leon
Francois Arthanas Michael Williams Yousuf Muhammad
Garrett Bryant Michael MacFadden Zishan Merza
Garrett Graff Milinda Rambel-Stone Cisco Trujillo
Gary  McCully Natalie Hagan
George Liluashvili Nathan Romine
Nawal Smith