Cyber Operations Doctor of Philosophy (PHDCO)
Pair computer science with IT security
Start Terms
estimated per semester
Gain a foundation in cyber operations while specializing in data collection, software exploitation, analysis of malicious code, and reverse engineering. Our PhD in Cyber Operations is a technical program grounded in computer science with an emphasis in cyber security.
In addition to online curriculum, complete three on-site research seminars designed to acquaint you with cyber security issues. Discuss articles pertinent to cyber security, meet faculty, and present your dissertation proposal. These research seminars are held annually and take place over multiple days. Because of this, there is a residency requirement for this program.
Only US residents and those holding a Permanent Resident Card are allowed to apply to this program.
Grow your connections
When you attend DSU, you make connections with real-life professionals and organizations. Our partnerships with these organizations help fill the national need for cyber security professionals and researchers nationwide. After graduation, you’ll have commanding knowledge of cyber security, making you an essential attribute to any company.
We have ties with – but not limited to – the following organizations:
- National Security Agency (NSA)
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Lab
- Carnegie Mellon’s Software Engineering Institute
- MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory
We are experts in cyber security. We leverage our expertise in all things tech to give you an innovative doctoral degree that meets the needs of a vast array of organizations.
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the Doctor of Philosophy in Cyber Operations, students will:
- Be able to articulate the importance of software reverse engineering
- Evaluate various types of cyber vulnerabilities, both internal and external, to reduce organizational risk.
- Conduct viable research that reflects complex abilities to model, analyze, and design cyber operation processes and systems.
- Communicate complex technical information, both orally and in writing, that meets the needs of diverse audiences.
- Formulate operational cyber security components (e.g., governance, policy, risk and compliance.)
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