Dakota State University students walking around campus

Preparation + opportunity = success

That's the DSU equation. We're a four-year university with nationally recognized programs, cutting-edge facilities, and the brightest thinkers. But we're also a tight-knit, inclusive community. Small class sizes mean hands-on training and individualized attention. All this with an affordable, public school price that's among the best values in the region.

Majors & Degrees


The Dakota State University licensing program was developed to protect, promote, and control the proper usage of the Dakota State University brand. The institution manages the presentation of the brand, which includes all use of trademarks and references that are associated with Dakota State University. All vendors that wish to utilize the Dakota State University trademarks on branded goods are required to hold a license with the institution.

Dakota State University has partnered with Nexus Licensing Group to support the management of all institutional marks and references. 

Nexus Licensing Group

Become a licensee

Any vendor that is interested in carrying the Dakota State University license should reach out to Nicole Bevington, Director of Licensing Operations at Nexus Licensing Group. 


Andrew Sogn

Dakota State University

Ben Pope

Nexus Licensing Group