Cyber Education and Professional Development Lab
“History has shown we have done a great job educating with technology. Now we must do an even better job educating with cybersecurity.”
Dr. Wayne Pauli, Professor of Info Systems and Coordinator for PhD in Cyber Operations
The mission of the Cyber Education and Professional Development Lab is to provide cyber education curriculum and training, as well as professional development, to K-12 partners.
Children in K-12 are consumers of technology and spend an increasing amount of time on a variety of devices. This lab will provide cyber education curriculum and training to increase awareness on key topics, safety, security, and ethical behavior, while helping students become better digital citizens and consumers.
For K-12 teachers, this lab will provide the training to teach children about cybersecurity, as well as opportunities for professional development in areas like reading instruction, class management, and the latest technology tools and applications.Focus Areas
K-12 Cyber Education
- Standards Setting
- Best Practices
- Curriculum
- Teacher Training
Professional Development for K-12 Teachers
- Reading Clinic
- English as a New Language (ENL)
- Kinesthetic Teaching and Learning Strategies
- Sanford Inspire & Sanford Harmony
- Trauma Sensitive Teaching
- MARS Project
- Inclusive STEM Learning Environment
- Virtual Avatar Learning Experience (VALE)
- Exercise Science Analytics Project
- Teacher Effectiveness & Assessment Research
- Biometrics Research
- Action-Based Environments for K-12 students and adults

Katie Anderson
Assistant Professor / Undergraduate Coordinator for Teacher Education
College of Education & Human Performance
Office Location: Kennedy Center
Phone: (605) 256-5177

Luke Chowning
Assistant Professor
College of Education & Human Performance
Office Location: Kennedy Center
Phone: (605) 256-5177